In 2001, at an event hosted by the Whisky Magazine, the Yoichi Single Cask 10 Years Old won not only first place in the Japanese Whisky category but also received the highest score across all categories in the competition, achieving the remarkable feat of "Best of the Best".
Inspired by the traditions of Scotland, Nikka Whisky began crafting authentic whisky in Japan. Over the years, our dedication and pursuit of quality have been highly praised globally, resulting in numerous awards.
The World Whiskies Awards (WWA) is a prestigious international competition hosted by Whisky Magazine in the UK, featuring rigorous blind tastings by whisky experts from around the world.
Taketsuru Pure Malt received its tenth award “World’s Best Blended Malt Whisky" in 2023. Since its first achievement with Taketsuru Pure Malt 21 Years Old in 2007, the Taketsuru brand has continually showcased its fine quality in the Blended Malt Whisky category.
World Whiskies Awards (WWA)
An international whisky competition held since 2007 by "Whisky Magazine" in the UK. Judging is conducted strictly through blind tasting by whisky critics and bartenders from various countries. Whiskies entered from around the world undergo rigorous judging before final assessment in London, the Best Category Award is given from each category such as "Blended Malt Whisky (Pure Malt) Category," "Single Malt Whisky Category," and "Blended Whisky Category."
Awards timeline
ISC International Spirits Challenge
The "ISC (International Spirits Challenge)" is an international competition for various spirits worldwide, including Whisky, Gin, and Vodka. A trophy is selected from the Gold winners in each category.
Number of awards received
In 2015, Nikka Whisky received the prestigious "Distiller of the Year" award at ISC 2015, given to only one producer globally recognized for highest quality and innovation. This led to another worldwide recognition of Nikka's whisky's making, including both the Yoichi and Miyagikyo distilleries.
In 2019, "Taketsuru Pure Malt 25 Years Old" won the Best Category Award for Blended Malt Whisky, acquiring the 5th trophy for Nikka Whisky. Previous achievements include "Taketsuru Pure Malt 21 Years Old", "From The Barrel", "Nikka Coffey Malt", and "Nikka Coffey Vodka". These showcased Nikka's fine quality in producing spirits among various categories.
International Spirits Challenge (ISC)
The ISC is a well-recognized and respected international spirits competition held annually in the UK. Spirits from all around the world enter the competition and awards are determined by the unanimous decisions of the council through blind tastings by specialists in the spirit world.